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Compression Boots

We tested a pair of compression boots for about a year. Here are our thoughts:

Compression boots have become a pretty popular recovery method for pro and amateur athletes. There are many options out there, from all kinds of manufacturers. We decided to go with the REBOOTS One lite (Pants).

But before we talk about our experiences – let’s talk about the benefits of compression therapy in general:

Compression therapy helps increase blood circulation in the lower legs, ankles and feet. It is an effective treatment for pain, swelling and muscular recovery. Compression boots regulate blood circulation in your legs, by using controlled air pressure in small chambers of the boots/pants. Each of the chambers in the boots separately fills with air and compresses more tightly, to prevent a large amount of blood from circulating through that part of your body.

The theory: When the boots tighten around, let’s say your calves, the blood flow in this part of your body is limited. As the boot deflates again, fresh blood rushes rushes through this body part, transports nutrients into it and lactic acid out of it, to help it recover quicker. The devices also function as a massage tool, as an alternative to light physical therapy and for muscle stimulation.

The REBOOTS ONE Light (Pants)

The REBOOTS ONE Light came as a bundle with the compressor and the pants itself. The set-up is pretty simple – just plug the compressor in, connect the hoses and you’re ready to go.

Our pants has six chamber in each leg and six different massage-programs for different stimulations. The default time for each program is 30 minutes, which is a pretty good time. You can also adjust the intensity of compression to your needs. Little advice: start low! When I first started I thought to myself: “How hard can it be” and I really suffered after a couple minutes, I felt like a tube of tooth paste and even got dizzy in the process… so please start low.


With time we found out the perfect way to use it for our needs. With multiple trainings/workouts a day, multiple days a week – we implemented the REBOOTS frequently in our every-day-life. For almost a year we used (and still use) the recovery pants after and before sessions to boost recovery and loosen our muscles.

Our opinion

The year went by fast and we have used it a lot. We really feel the difference right after using the boots. For an optimal use, we recommend 30-40 minutes per session. If you just want to loosen up before a workout, run or game – just use the massage program on low for 20 minutes and you’ll be fresh and ready to go. We would say, that recovery boots really can make a difference if you are serious with your training, workouts or your performance. It’s definitely worth the money, if you train every day and want to optimize your training with better and higher quality recovery.

It doesn’t matter which brand you choose, because they are all kind of pricey… But if you don’t want to buy a pair right away, you can also rent a pair for example and pay a monthly fee instead. Just compare and look up different brands online, to find out about their products and prices. We can really recommend the REBOOTS. The quality is good and their customer service is pretty sweet. Check’em out!

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