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The Concept2 Ski Erg

  • Post published:16. December 2022
  • Post category:Equipment

One more to the collection! We finally got our hands on a Concept2 SkiErg.
Man, we gotta tell you – it feels like it’s been missing in the BLACKBOX the entire time.

We testet the Erg for a bit now and implemented it in our workouts. The conclusion: THIS THING IS FUN!

The Ski Erg is not just another stimulus in your cardio-game, it opens up brand new opportunities. While most other cardio machines put a lot of emphasis on the lower part of your body, the Ski Erg mostly concentrates on your arms and torso. This makes your workouts a lot more versatile and makes you experience cardiovascular Training in a really different way. 

For limited spaces like most of the homegyms out there, Concept2 delivered an optimal answer. The Ski Erg hardly takes away any of your floor space if you choose to mount it to a wall (like we did). The basic version already comes with screws and spacers. Four holes in the wall and done. If you have more space available and want to move the erg around once in a while – you can also purchase the floor stand for around 200€ extra.

Really cool side fact: we ordered our Erg at Suprfit. We are not sponsored by them (but hey, we would love to) and order a lot of stuff from their website. They have reasonable prices and the quality of their products is really good as well. Anyway: The Ski erg was delivered two days after the order was placed and one of their warehouse workers, Alex brought it literally to where it stands right now. To be fair, their warehouse is 30min away from the BLACKBOX but what a service!! Special thanks to @suprfitde and Alex! Alex, you’re the man!

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