We compared an Amazon Brand Plyo Box to a Fitness Brand Box – this is our opinion.
Ok, you might ask yourself right now: „Dude really? It’s a box made out of wood. What difference can there be?“
Well, first of all – 60 bucks in this case (90€ and 150€).
On a sidenote: the parts of the cheaper box made it all the way from china. The wood is still wood but all the way from china?
The biggest difference besides the price was the surface of the wood. The brand box came painted and assembled with a perfectly soft surface. The Amazon version came un-assembled, had no paint, sharp edges and some rough spots. We took care of that with some extra effort and a couple sheets of sandpaper.
If you have a couple extra bucks and want a perfectly finished box without putting extra work in – go with the brand box.
If you don’t mind about putting it together by yourself and giving it the final touches – go with the Amazon brand. And yeah – the fact that the wood had to travel quite a bit 😅
Brand Box by @suprfitde
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